Today is friday 10th, December 2021.
Esta actividad es solo para aquellos alumnos dispensados en la semana del 13/12 al 17/12, los demás alumnos harán las actividades en clase!
Monday 13th, December.
Hello kids! I hope you're doing fine!
¡Hola chicos! ¡Espero que esten bien!
Let's do maths!
(Hagamos matemáticas)
Ten bottles of water + Five bottles of water = Fifteen bottles of water.
Now solve these!
(Ahora resolve estas)
Two chickens + One chickens =
Three fish x Three fish =
Four eggs + Six eggs =
Six orange juice x Two orange juice =
Now make 5 math accounts for a classmate to solve,
(Ahora has 5 cuentas de matemáticas para que un compañero de clase las resuelva)
Thursday 16th, December.
Hello kids! I hope you're doing fine!
¡Hola chicos! ¡Espero que esten bien!
Answer these questions using "yes, I have" or "no, I haven't":
(Respondé estas preguntas usando "yes, I have" o "no, I haven't")
Have you got a bike?
Have you got a computer?
Have you got a doll?
Answer these questions using "yes, I do" or "no, I don't":
(Respondé estas preguntas usando "yes, I do" or "no, I don't")
Do you like video games?
Do you like rollerblades?
Do you like dominoes?
Monday 13th, December.
Hello kids! I hope you're doing fine!
¡Hola chicos! ¡Espero que esten bien!
Let's do maths!
(Hagamos matemáticas)
Ten bottles of water + Five bottles of water = Fifteen bottles of water.
Now solve these!
(Ahora resolve estas)
Two chickens + One chickens =
Three fish x Three fish =
Four eggs + Six eggs =
Six orange juice x Two orange juice =
Now make 5 math accounts for a classmate to solve,
(Ahora has 5 cuentas de matemáticas para que un compañero de clase las resuelva)
Wednesday 15th, December.
Hello kids! I hope you're doing fine!
¡Hola chicos! ¡Espero que esten bien!
Answer these questions using "yes, I have" or "no, I haven't":
(Respondé estas preguntas usando "yes, I have" o "no, I haven't")
Have you got a bike?
Have you got a computer?
Have you got a doll?
Answer these questions using "yes, I do" or "no, I don't":
(Respondé estas preguntas usando "yes, I do" or "no, I don't")
Do you like video games?
Do you like rollerblades?
Do you like dominoes?