Today is friday 15th, October 2021.
Esta actividad es solo para aquellos alumnos dispensados en la semana del 18 al 22 de octubre, los demás alumnos harán las actividades en clase!
Hello kids! !Hola chicos! How are you? ¿Cómo estan?
Segundo A: lunes 18. / Segundo B: lunes 18.
Familias: Las siguientes actividades son solo para el dia lunes 18, los demas dias (miércoles con 2ºB y jueves con 2ºA) haremos actividades recreativas!
This week we will work with pages 40 and 41!
Esta semana vamos a trabajar las páginas 40 y 41!
Let's start!!
Page 40, activity number 2: Look, trace and colour (mirá, trazá y coloreá).
Colour the white and black farm animals as you want! Coloreá los animales de granja en blanco y negro como quieras!
Activity number 3: Listen and number! (Escuchá y enumerá).
Listen to the following audio and number the corresponding order of the animals (Escuchá el siguiente audio y enumerá el orden correspondiente de los animales).
Link to the audio ---->
Try to do by yourself, below you will have the correct answers! Intenten hacerlos solitos, debajo tendrán la respuestas correctas!
Audioscript: (Guión del audio)
Let's go to the farm
On a big school bus
Let's go to the farm
On a big school bus
Listen! What are these?
Are they cows?
No, they aren't!
Are they bulls?
Yes, they are!
Listen! What are these?
Are they horses?
No, they aren't!
Are they donkeys?
Yes, they are!
Listen! What are these?
Are they chicks?
No, they aren't!
Are they hens?
Yes, they are!
Listen! What are these?
Are they sheep?
No, they aren't!
Are they goats?
Yes, they are!
Answers (Respuestas): 1- Cows; 2- Bulls; 3- Horses; 4- Donkeys; 5- Chicks: 6- Hens; 7- Sheep;
8- Goats.
Page 41 activity number 4: Count and write. Then write or stick! (Contá y escribí. Luego escribí o pegá)
Count how many animals are and write the number in their corresponding square! Contá cuántos animales hay y escribí el número en su cuadrado correspondiente!
Then label the animals and stick the missing ones! Luego etiquetá a los animales y pegá los que faltan!
Activity number 5:
Listen and draw the farmer's route! (Escuchá y dibujá la ruta del granjero!)
Link to the audio ----->
Audioscript: (Guión del audio):
Let's go, Zack! Let's go feed the chicks.
Now, the hens! Come on, Zack!
Now, let's go see the sheep! Do you like sheep, Zack?
Oh, yes you do! Hahaha! Good dog!
Now, Zack, let's visit the horses!
Let's go see the goats, Zack.
Now, it's time to see the donkeys!
Now, the cows!
Zack! Beware of the bulls!
Answers (Respuestas): 1- Chicks; 2- Hens; 3- Sheep; 4- Horses; 5- Goats: 6- Donkeys; 7- Cows;
8- Bulls.